Sosuke Kaburaya is a detective struggling to make ends meet. While on a case, he happens upon Sara da Odin, a princess from another world who wields magical powers. Sara quickly adjusts to modern Japanese life as Livia de Udis, a knight from Sara’s kingdom, arrives to find her. Soon enough, both Sara and Livia’s positivity begins to rub off on Sōsuke and the neighborhood’s cast of characters.
- Genre: Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Status: Completed
- Release:
- Stars: Akane Fujita, Hinaki Yano, Kohsuke Toriumi, Makoto Furukawa, Manami Numakura, Mao Ichimichi, Mizuki Mano, Shinnosuke Tachibana, Yoji Ueda, You Taichi, Yuuki Takada
- Duration: 24 min
- Country: JP
- Network: TBS